浮雲藏茶.舊圖區 A0503-A0603  
Cloud's Tea Collection - Photo Archives A0503-A0603  

【源起】:浮雲自2002年起在許多討論組已貼有不少關於茶的圖片,至今應該已有幾百張了。 這些圖片散落在各討論區,有時候想找回自己所張貼的圖,我也感到力不從心,而且使用那些網上照片簿有也不少限制。 因此,浮雲決定把由2006年9月起,把圖片開始逐漸放到新註冊的網域下 http://www.cloudsteacollection.com , 作一個有系統的管理,也方便茶友來這兒尋找圖片資料。這兒會不時作出圖片更新及新的網頁設計,茶友可不妨定期造訪,看看更新。希望你喜歡這兒的圖片。 如茶友想與浮雲討論茶事,可到 浮雲藏茶-雅虎博客Cloud's Tea Collection - Blogger【華山論茶】討論組 http://www.puerh-teapot.com (暫停服務)。 這兒暫時只有數版網頁計設,請參看索引,這只是暫時的版面設計。待日後有更多圖片,就會考慮把圖片按不同類別分類。這改版事情需時,日後再作打算。

[Recital]: Cloud has been posting several hundreds of tea photos in many discussion groups since 2002. These photos were loosely distributed over different discussion forums. I felt hard to locate the photos I posted. Besides, there are a lot of restrictions of those internet photo albums. Therefore, Cloud decides to place these photos under my newly registered domain http://www.cloudsteacollection.com starting from September 2006 in order to organise these photos systematically so that tea lovers can easily find the tea photo information they want. The photos and the site will be updated from time to time. You may come here to take a look regularly. Hope you will enjoy the photos here. If you want to leave me a message, welcome to one of my two tea blogs Cloud's Tea Collection - Blogger or Cloud's Puerh Tea Collection - Blogger. There is only several page at the present moment. Please refer to the index. This is a temporary design. When there will be over several hundred photos, I will consider to classify those photos in accordance with their natures. However, reconstruction of the site takes a lot time. Let's see how it goes.

按這兒到最後面的新貼圖[Click here to go to the Latest Photos]  

圖片 - 按下圖片可取得640x480解像度
Photos - Click to view 640x480
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0503 這是 1980 年代"猛"海茶廠壓製的 8582,從茶餅的背面可以看到 8582 所用到的茶菁是較為粗和老身的,現階段作為品飲的茶品,相當理想。

A0503 This is the 1980's 8582 from Menghai tea factory. You can see that the tea leaf materials used for this recipe, compressed on the back of the tea cake, were old and aged. "Aged" means that it had already grown to an old stage before it was plucked from the tea tree. It is now aged enough and very ideal for instance appreciation by tea connoisseurs. However, the price is not low. An well aged 1980's 8582 may cost you around US$1,000.00 per piece as in November 2007, that means around US$30.00 for a single brew. But without any further waiting is required and one can enjoy it instantly, it may be worth such a high price.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0504 這是 1980 年代"猛"海茶廠壓製的 8582,從茶餅的背面可以看到 8582 所用到的茶菁是較為粗和老身的,現階段作為品飲的茶品,相當理想。

A0504 This is the 1980's 8582 from Menghai tea factory. You can see that the tea leaf materials used for this recipe, compressed on the back of the tea cake, were old and aged. "Aged" means that it had already grown to an old stage before it was plucked from the tea tree. It is now aged enough and very ideal for instance appreciation by tea connoisseurs. However, the price is not low. An well aged 1980's 8582 may cost you around US$1,000.00 per piece as in November 2007, that means around US$30.00 for a single brew. But without any further waiting is required and one can enjoy it instantly, it may be worth such a high price.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0505 這是 1980 年代"猛"海茶廠壓製的 8582,從茶餅的背面可以看到 8582 所用到的茶菁是較為粗和老身的,現階段作為品飲的茶品,相當理想。

A0505 This is the 1980's 8582 from Menghai tea factory. You can see that the tea leaf materials used for this recipe, compressed on the back of the tea cake, were old and aged. "Aged" means that it had already grown to an old stage before it was plucked from the tea tree. It is now aged enough and very ideal for instance appreciation by tea connoisseurs. However, the price is not low. An well aged 1980's 8582 may cost you around US$1,000.00 per piece as in November 2007, that means around US$30.00 for a single brew. But without any further waiting is required and one can enjoy it instantly, it may be worth such a high price.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0506 這是 1980 年代"猛"海茶廠壓製的 8582,從茶餅的背面可以看到 8582 所用到的茶菁是較為粗和老身的,現階段作為品飲的茶品,相當理想。

A0506 This is the 1980's 8582 from Menghai tea factory. You can see that the tea leaf materials used for this recipe, compressed on the back of the tea cake, were old and aged. "Aged" means that it had already grown to an old stage before it was plucked from the tea tree. It is now aged enough and very ideal for instance appreciation by tea connoisseurs. However, the price is not low. An well aged 1980's 8582 may cost you around US$1,000.00 per piece as in November 2007, that means around US$30.00 for a single brew. But without any further waiting is required and one can enjoy it instantly, it may be worth such a high price.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0507 這是 1980 年代"猛"海茶廠壓製的 8582,從茶餅的背面可以看到 8582 所用到的茶菁是較為粗和老身的,現階段作為品飲的茶品,相當理想。

A0507 This is the 1980's 8582 from Menghai tea factory. You can see that the tea leaf materials used for this recipe, compressed on the back of the tea cake, were old and aged. "Aged" means that it had already grown to an old stage before it was plucked from the tea tree. It is now aged enough and very ideal for instance appreciation by tea connoisseurs. However, the price is not low. An well aged 1980's 8582 may cost you around US$1,000.00 per piece as in November 2007, that means around US$30.00 for a single brew. But without any further waiting is required and one can enjoy it instantly, it may be worth such a high price.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0508 這是 1980 年代"猛"海茶廠壓製的 8582,從茶餅的背面可以看到 8582 所用到的茶菁是較為粗和老身的,現階段作為品飲的茶品,相當理想。

A0508 This is the 1980's 8582 from Menghai tea factory. You can see that the tea leaf materials used for this recipe, compressed on the back of the tea cake, were old and aged. "Aged" means that it had already grown to an old stage before it was plucked from the tea tree. It is now aged enough and very ideal for instance appreciation by tea connoisseurs. However, the price is not low. An well aged 1980's 8582 may cost you around US$1,000.00 per piece as in November 2007, that means around US$30.00 for a single brew. But without any further waiting is required and one can enjoy it instantly, it may be worth such a high price.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0509 這是 1980 年代"猛"海茶廠壓製的 8582,從茶餅的背面可以看到 8582 所用到的茶菁是較為粗和老身的,現階段作為品飲的茶品,相當理想。

A0509 This is the 1980's 8582 from Menghai tea factory. You can see that the tea leaf materials used for this recipe, compressed on the back of the tea cake, were old and aged. "Aged" means that it had already grown to an old stage before it was plucked from the tea tree. It is now aged enough and very ideal for instance appreciation by tea connoisseurs. However, the price is not low. An well aged 1980's 8582 may cost you around US$1,000.00 per piece as in November 2007, that means around US$30.00 for a single brew. But without any further waiting is required and one can enjoy it instantly, it may be worth such a high price.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0510 這是 1980 年代"猛"海茶廠壓製的 8582 的湯色,從其中可以看出它的色澤紅濃,光澤亮麗,透徹。它呈陳韻之香,飲後身體舒暢之感,可能只有親身嚐到,才可以領略得到 8582 之樂趣,怪不得乾淨的 1980 年代 8582 身價,屢創新高。

A0510 This is the tea broth of 1980's 8582 from Menghai tea factory. It can be seen from its deep reddish brown liquor showing its clearness and brilliance. Apart from its rich tastes and sensations offering to tea connoisseurs, it also has its aged aroma which is very comfortable to people. Without trying a sip of yours, it would be a bit difficult for one to understand the amazement of this aged 1980's 8582. Because of its aged tastes, its price always breaks its records.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0511 這是 1980 年代"猛"海茶廠壓製的 8582 的湯色,從其中可以看出它的色澤紅濃,光澤亮麗,透徹。它呈陳韻之香,飲後身體舒暢之感,可能只有親身嚐到,才可以領略得到 8582 之樂趣,怪不得乾淨的 1980 年代 8582 身價,屢創新高。

A0511 This is the tea broth of 1980's 8582 from Menghai tea factory. It can be seen from its deep reddish brown liquor showing its clearness and brilliance. Apart from its rich tastes and sensations offering to tea connoisseurs, it also has its aged aroma which is very comfortable to people. Without trying a sip of yours, it would be a bit difficult for one to understand the amazement of this aged 1980's 8582. Because of its aged tastes, its price always breaks its records.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0512 這是 1980 年代"猛"海茶廠壓製的 8582 的湯色,從其中可以看出它的色澤紅濃,光澤亮麗,透徹。它呈陳韻之香,飲後身體舒暢之感,可能只有親身嚐到,才可以領略得到 8582 之樂趣,怪不得乾淨的 1980 年代 8582 身價,屢創新高。

A0512 This is the tea broth of 1980's 8582 from Menghai tea factory. It can be seen from its deep reddish brown liquor showing its clearness and brilliance. Apart from its rich tastes and sensations offering to tea connoisseurs, it also has its aged aroma which is very comfortable to people. Without trying a sip of yours, it would be a bit difficult for one to understand the amazement of this aged 1980's 8582. Because of its aged tastes, its price always breaks its records.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0513 這是 1980 年代"猛"海茶廠壓製的 8582 的湯色,從其中可以看出它的色澤紅濃,光澤亮麗,透徹。它呈陳韻之香,飲後身體舒暢之感,可能只有親身嚐到,才可以領略得到 8582 之樂趣,怪不得乾淨的 1980 年代 8582 身價,屢創新高。

A0513 This is the tea broth of 1980's 8582 from Menghai tea factory. It can be seen from its deep reddish brown liquor showing its clearness and brilliance. Apart from its rich tastes and sensations offering to tea connoisseurs, it also has its aged aroma which is very comfortable to people. Without trying a sip of yours, it would be a bit difficult for one to understand the amazement of this aged 1980's 8582. Because of its aged tastes, its price always breaks its records.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0514 這是 1980 年代"猛"海茶廠壓製的 8582 的葉底,從其中可以看出到正宗的 8582 的茶葉是多麼大片,寬闊而大;倉儲良好者,葉子更是柔軟有彈性。

A0514 This is the brewed tea leaves of 1980's 8582 from Menghai tea factory. It can be seen that the tea leaves of genuine aged 1980's 8582 are very large and broad. Besides, one can notice that the well stored 8582 has its soft and flexible brewed leaves.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0515 這是 1980 年代"猛"海茶廠壓製的 8582 的葉底,從其中可以看出到正宗的 8582 的茶葉是多麼大片,寬闊而大;倉儲良好者,葉子更是柔軟有彈性。

A0515 This is the brewed tea leaves of 1980's 8582 from Menghai tea factory. It can be seen that the tea leaves of genuine aged 1980's 8582 are very large and broad. Besides, one can notice that the well stored 8582 has its soft and flexible brewed leaves.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0516 這是 1980 年代"猛"海茶廠壓製的 8582 的葉底,從其中可以看出到正宗的 8582 的茶葉是多麼大片,寬闊而大;倉儲良好者,葉子更是柔軟有彈性。

A0516 This is the brewed tea leaves of 1980's 8582 from Menghai tea factory. It can be seen that the tea leaves of genuine aged 1980's 8582 are very large and broad. Besides, one can notice that the well stored 8582 has its soft and flexible brewed leaves.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0517 這是 1980 年代"猛"海茶廠壓製的 8582 的葉底,從其中可以看出到正宗的 8582 的茶葉是多麼大片,寬闊而大;倉儲良好者,葉子更是柔軟有彈性。

A0517 This is the brewed tea leaves of 1980's 8582 from Menghai tea factory. It can be seen that the tea leaves of genuine aged 1980's 8582 are very large and broad. Besides, one can notice that the well stored 8582 has its soft and flexible brewed leaves.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0518 這是 1980 年代"猛"海茶廠壓製的 8582 的葉底,從其中可以看出到正宗的 8582 的茶葉是多麼大片,寬闊而大;倉儲良好者,葉子更是柔軟有彈性。

A0518 This is the brewed tea leaves of 1980's 8582 from Menghai tea factory. It can be seen that the tea leaves of genuine aged 1980's 8582 are very large and broad. Besides, one can notice that the well stored 8582 has its soft and flexible brewed leaves.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0519 這是 1980 年代"猛"海茶廠壓製的 8582 的葉底,從其中可以看出到正宗的 8582 的茶葉是多麼大片,寬闊而大;倉儲良好者,葉子更是柔軟有彈性。

A0519 This is the brewed tea leaves of 1980's 8582 from Menghai tea factory. It can be seen that the tea leaves of genuine aged 1980's 8582 are very large and broad. Besides, one can notice that the well stored 8582 has its soft and flexible brewed leaves.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0520 這是 1980 年代"猛"海茶廠壓製的 8582 的葉底,從其中可以看出到正宗的 8582 的茶葉是多麼大片,寬闊而大;倉儲良好者,葉子更是柔軟有彈性。

A0520 This is the brewed tea leaves of 1980's 8582 from Menghai tea factory. It can be seen that the tea leaves of genuine aged 1980's 8582 are very large and broad. Besides, one can notice that the well stored 8582 has its soft and flexible brewed leaves.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0521 這是 1980 年代"猛"海茶廠壓製的 8582 的葉底,從其中可以看出到正宗的 8582 的茶葉是多麼大片,寬闊而大;倉儲良好者,葉子更是柔軟有彈性。

A0521 This is the brewed tea leaves of 1980's 8582 from Menghai tea factory. It can be seen that the tea leaves of genuine aged 1980's 8582 are very large and broad. Besides, one can notice that the well stored 8582 has its soft and flexible brewed leaves.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0522 1990年代初的紫天熟餅 (8592)
紫天熟餅是「南天貿易公司」的訂製茶品。由於需要易於與同系姊妹茶 (8582-生茶) 有所分別,於是當時要求蓋上一個紫紅色的天字蓋章,市場上俗稱為『紫天熟餅』。

A0522 Early 1990's 8592 with "Purple Sky" Stamp Ripe Tea Cake.
This cake was ordered by Nantian Trading Company, a Hong Kong trading company. In order to differentiate it from the similar wrapping raw product 8582, they requested a purple-red stamp to be stamped on the warpper. The Chinese character of the stamp is equivalent to the English word "Sky" (天, "Tian"). Therefore, this cake is also known as Purple Sky Ripe Tea Cake.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0523 1990年代初的紫天熟餅 (8592)

A0523 Early 1990's 8592 with "Purple Sky" Stamp Ripe Tea Cake.
It can be seen from the surface of the tea cake that it has golden fine tea buds spreading over the surface of the tea cake. This is so elegant. Owing to its appropriate degree of fermentation during the process of manufacture, it now has a fairly good tea broth performance after more than 15 years of aging.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0524 1990年代初的紫天熟餅 (8592)
打開包裝紙後,尚未整理的狀態。由於經儲存多年,會有些給撞到的茶葉碎。(參看圖 A0525)

A0524 Early 1990's 8592 with "Purple Sky" Stamp Ripe Tea Cake.
It was the original status of tea cake after the first opening of the wrapper. It could be seen that there were broken tea leaves which were the results from the collision. (Ref: photo A0525)

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0525 1990年代初的紫天熟餅 (8592)

A0525 Status after tidying up.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0526 1990年代初的紫天熟餅 (8592)
圖說可參看圖 A0522。

A0526 Early 1990's 8592 with "Purple Sky" Stamp Ripe Tea Cake.
For detail description, please refer to photo A0522.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0527 1990年代初的紫天熟餅 (8592)
圖說可參看圖 A0522。

A0527 Early 1990's 8592 with "Purple Sky" Stamp Ripe Tea Cake.
For detail description, please refer to photo A0522.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0528 1990年代初的紫天熟餅 (8592)
圖說可參看圖 A0522。

A0528 Early 1990's 8592 with "Purple Sky" Stamp Ripe Tea Cake.
For detail description, please refer to photo A0522.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0529 1990年代初的紫天熟餅 (8592)
圖說可參看圖 A0522。

A0529 Early 1990's 8592 with "Purple Sky" Stamp Ripe Tea Cake.
For detail description, please refer to photo A0522.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0530 1990年代初的紫天熟餅 (8592)
圖說可參看圖 A0522。

A0530 Early 1990's 8592 with "Purple Sky" Stamp Ripe Tea Cake.
For detail description, please refer to photo A0522.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0531 1990年代初的紫天熟餅 (8592)
圖說可參看圖 A0522。

A0531 Early 1990's 8592 with "Purple Sky" Stamp Ripe Tea Cake.
For detail description, please refer to photo A0522.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0532 1990年代初的紫天熟餅 (8592)

A0532 Early 1990's 8592 with "Purple Sky" Stamp Ripe Tea Cake.
Trademark ticket of Purple Sky Ripe Tea Cake.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0533 1990年代初的紫天熟餅 (8592)

A0533 Early 1990's 8592 with "Purple Sky" Stamp Ripe Tea Cake.
Description ticket of Purple Sky Ripe Tea Cake.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0534 1990年代初的紫天熟餅 (8592)

A0534 Early 1990's 8592 with "Purple Sky" Stamp Ripe Tea Cake.
Tea broth of Purple Sky Ripe Tea Cake.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0535 1990年代初的紫天熟餅 (8592)

A0535 Early 1990's 8592 with "Purple Sky" Stamp Ripe Tea Cake.
Tea broth of Purple Sky Ripe Tea Cake.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0536 1990年代初的紫天熟餅 (8592)

A0536 Early 1990's 8592 with "Purple Sky" Stamp Ripe Tea Cake.
Brewed tea leaves of Purple Sky Ripe Tea Cake.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0537 ★浮雲的第一本普洱茶入門書★【英文版】 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea" (簡易中國普洱茶)(精裝本)

A0537 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea", Cloud's first introductorybook. (Hardback Edition)

Click here to know more about the Hardback Edition and the Trial Print Edition.

Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0538 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea" - (Hardback Edition)

Introduction on the back.

Click here to know more about the Hardback Edition and the Trial Print Edition.

Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0539 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

Hardback Edition.

Click here to know more about the Hardback Edition and the Trial Print Edition.

Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0540 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

My book with a Puerh tea cake and a teapot.

Click here to know more about the Hardback Edition and the Trial Print Edition.

Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0541 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

Forward I - by Vesper Chan, the Best Tea House.

Click here to know more about the Hardback Edition and the Trial Print Edition.

Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0542 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

Forward II - by NG Man Kin, Solicitor Hong Kong SAR.

Click here to know more about the Hardback Edition and the Trial Print Edition.

Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0543 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

Table of Contents.

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Click the photo to enlarge.
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按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0544 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

Sample pages 28 & 29 - Contemporary Definition of Puerh Tea.

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Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0545 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

Sample pages 32 & 33 - Flow chart of making raw tea leaf materials (raw materials, "Mao Cha").

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Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0546 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

Sample pages 36 & 37 - Flow chart of making ripe tea cakes (Ripe Tea - Artificially Fermented Puerh Tea).

Click here to know more about the Hardback Edition and the Trial Print Edition.

Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0547 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

Sample pages 56 & 57 - Other Compressed Non-Puerh Tea.

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Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0548 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

Enlarged sample page 56 - Guangxi Liu-bao.

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Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0549 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

Sample pages 66 & 67 - Table of Masterpiece Puerh Vintages.

Click here to know more about the Hardback Edition and the Trial Print Edition.

Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0550 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

Sample pages 78 & 79 - Conditions of Storage.

Click here to know more about the Hardback Edition and the Trial Print Edition.

Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0551 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

Sample pages 102 & 103 - Various terms of wrapping materials.

Click here to know more about the Hardback Edition and the Trial Print Edition.

Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0552 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

Some classic collections - Antique Puerh Vintage.

Click here to know more about the Hardback Edition and the Trial Print Edition.

Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0553 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

Sample pages 108 & 109.

Click here to know more about the Hardback Edition and the Trial Print Edition.

Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0554 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

Some classic collections - 1950's - 1960's Masterpiece Puerh Vintage.

Click here to know more about the Hardback Edition and the Trial Print Edition.

Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0555 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

Sample pages 126 & 127.

Click here to know more about the Hardback Edition and the Trial Print Edition.

Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0556 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

Some classic collections - 1970's - 1980's Seven-son Tea Cake Vintage.

Click here to know more about the Hardback Edition and the Trial Print Edition.

Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0557 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

Sample pages 142 & 143.

Click here to know more about the Hardback Edition and the Trial Print Edition.

Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0558 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

Some classic collections - 1990's New Era of Puerh Tea.

Click here to know more about the Hardback Edition and the Trial Print Edition.

Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0559 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

Sample pages 228 & 229.

Click here to know more about the Hardback Edition and the Trial Print Edition.

Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0560 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

Sample pages 272 & 273 - Appendix - How to Store Puerh Tea at Home (Part I).

Click here to know more about the Hardback Edition and the Trial Print Edition.

Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0561 "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea"

Sample pages 274 & 275 - Appendix - How to Store Puerh Tea at Home (Part I).

Click here to know more about the Hardback Edition and the Trial Print Edition.

Click the photo to enlarge.
Resolution: 1024x678
按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0562 1992 年的入倉 7542
只要入倉的情況不太嚴重,這些已有 15 年(以今年 2007 年算)陳期的輕入倉茶,現在拿來品茗或作為常喝之茶,都很合適。有些 1980 年代的乾倉茶品(立即與乾倉的【88青餅】比較),還是茶性很烈的呢!
輕入倉之茶,茶面色澤較為暗淡,油亮度不會太高,但輕倉者,不至於出現十分多的白霜。1992年有一批的 7542 很有特色,是為香港茶商的特別要求而製作,既無內飛、也無內票,是為方便入倉處理後出口台灣,這是因為當年台灣不容許中國產品正式入口的,因此,只要簡單地把外包紙移走就是了,不用把內飛挖出,破壞餅型。

A0562 1992 Mild Wet Storage 7542
As long as the degree of wet storage is not too serious, these mild wet 7542 tea cakes from 1992 having its 15 years of aging (as in 2007) are very suitable for daily appreciation now. Even though some tea cakes may be manufactured in the 1980's such as the Eighty-eight Raw Tea Cake (Click to compare), the astringency of these 1980's drily stored tea cakes is still high. The reason is that natural aging takes a lot of time to remove the astringency and change it into the mellowness.
For those wet storage tea cakes, you will find them have a comparatively dull appearance and not too shiny. But, Cloud must emphasize that the mild wet stored tea cakes does not have much white substance on it. These batches of 1992 7542 were specially ordered by the Hong Kong tea vendors at that time. They requested the tea factories not to put the trademark tickets and the description tickets into the tea cakes. The reason why they were so doing was to export them to Taiwan after wet storage process. In the early 1990's, products from China were strictly prohibited by the Taiwan's authority. Therefore, those trademark tickets and description tickets bearing the details and information about their China nature had to be removed before export. This arrangement was convenient to tea merchants because what they needed to do was just to remove the wrapping papers and would not damage the appearance of the tea cakes by digging out the trademark tickets which might have been deeply embedded.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0563 1992 年的入倉 7542
詳細圖說可參看圖 A0562。

A0563 1992 Mild Wet Storage 7542
Please refer to the photo description of A0562.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0564 1992 年的入倉 7542
詳細圖說可參看圖 A0562。輕倉者,不至於出現十分多的白霜

A0564 1992 Mild Wet Storage 7542
Please refer to the photo description of A0562. Cloud must emphasize that the mild wet stored tea cakes does not have much white substance on it.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0565 1992 年的入倉 7542
詳細圖說可參看圖 A0562。輕倉者,不至於出現十分多的白霜

A0565 1992 Mild Wet Storage 7542
Please refer to the photo description of A0562. Cloud must emphasize that the mild wet stored tea cakes does not have much white substance on it.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0566 1992 年的入倉 7542
詳細圖說可參看圖 A0562。輕倉者,不至於出現十分多的白霜,在茶餅中也不多見白霜。

A0566 1992 Mild Wet Storage 7542
Please refer to the photo description of A0562. Cloud must emphasize that the mild wet stored tea cakes does not have much white substance on it. Even though you break up the tea cake, you hardly find any white substance inside.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0567 1992 年的入倉 7542 - 湯色
詳細圖說可參看圖 A0562。輕倉者的湯色,仍然橙紅、通透、亮麗。

A0567 1992 Mild Wet Storage 7542 - Tea Broth
Please refer to the photo description of A0562. The mild wet stored tea cake can still offer you a clear and bright reddish tea broth.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0568 1992 年的入倉 7542 - 湯色
詳細圖說可參看圖 A0562。輕倉者的湯色,仍然橙紅、通透、亮麗。

A0568 1992 Mild Wet Storage 7542 - Tea Broth
Please refer to the photo description of A0562. The mild wet stored tea cake can still offer you a clear and bright reddish tea broth.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0569 1992 年的入倉 7542 - 湯色
詳細圖說可參看圖 A0562。輕倉者的湯色,仍然橙紅、通透、亮麗。

A0569 1992 Mild Wet Storage 7542 - Tea Broth
Please refer to the photo description of A0562. The mild wet stored tea cake can still offer you a clear and bright reddish tea broth.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0570 1992 年的入倉 7542 - 葉底
詳細圖說可參看圖 A0562。輕倉者的葉底會輕微偏紅。而乾倉的,即使有年份,但仍然帶有有活力的綠色。(請細心比較圖 A0571 & A0572

A0570 1992 Mild Wet Storage 7542
Please refer to the photo description of A0562. The mild wet stored tea cakes will have slight reddish brewed tea leaves while the drily stored tea cakes will have comparatively green and vivid brewed tea leaves. (Please compare the tea leaves in A0571 & A0572)

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0571 1992 年的入倉 7542
詳細圖說可參看圖 A0562。

A0571 1992 Mild Wet Storage 7542
Please refer to the photo description of A0562. The mild wet stored tea cakes will have slight reddish brewed tea leaves while the drily stored tea cakes will have comparatively green and vivid brewed tea leaves. (Please compare the tea leaves in A0571 & A0572)

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0572 1992 年的入倉 7542
詳細圖說可參看圖 A0562。

A0572 1992 Mild Wet Storage 7542
Please refer to the photo description of A0562. The mild wet stored tea cakes will have slight reddish brewed tea leaves while the drily stored tea cakes will have comparatively green and vivid brewed tea leaves. (Please compare the tea leaves in A0571 & A0572)

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0573 1992 年的入倉 7542
詳細圖說可參看圖 A0562。

A0573 1992 Mild Wet Storage 7542
Please refer to the photo description of A0562. The mild wet stored tea cakes will have slight reddish brewed tea leaves while the drily stored tea cakes will have comparatively green and vivid brewed tea leaves. (Please compare the tea leaves in A0571 & A0572)

按下圖片取得800x535解像度 Click to view 800x535 M0004 茶以外的日誌
今天,限量五千套的 1:38 法拉利模型珍藏版,在香港的 Shell 油站首天換購啊!很快就給換完了,浮雲也藏一套,編號:3609。2007年11月27日

M0004 A blog post other than tea
Today is the first day releasing this 1:38 Limited Edition Ferrari Dual Speed Cars Box Set in Hong Kong's Shell gas stations. There are only 5,000 box sets and all the stocks were redeemed very soon. Cloud was lucky to get a box set with the serial number: 3609. 27 November 2007

V-Power Collector's Garage Resolution: 800 x 535

按下圖片取得800x535解像度 Click to view 800x535 M0005 茶以外的日誌
今天,限量五千套的 1:38 法拉利模型珍藏版,在香港的 Shell 油站首天換購啊!很快就給換完了,浮雲也藏一套,編號:3609。2007年11月27日

M0005 A blog post other than tea
Today is the first day releasing this 1:38 Limited Edition Ferrari Dual Speed Cars Box Set in Hong Kong's Shell gas stations. There are only 5,000 box sets and all the stocks were redeemed very soon. Cloud was lucky to get a box set with the serial number: 3609. 27 November 2007

V-Power Collector's Garage Resolution: 800 x 535

按下圖片取得800x535解像度 Click to view 800x535 M0006 茶以外的日誌
今天,限量五千套的 1:38 法拉利模型珍藏版,在香港的 Shell 油站首天換購啊!很快就給換完了,浮雲也藏一套,編號:3609。2007年11月27日

M0006 A blog post other than tea
Today is the first day releasing this 1:38 Limited Edition Ferrari Dual Speed Cars Box Set in Hong Kong's Shell gas stations. There are only 5,000 box sets and all the stocks were redeemed very soon. Cloud was lucky to get a box set with the serial number: 3609. 27 November 2007

V-Power Collector's Garage Resolution: 800 x 535

按下圖片取得800x535解像度 Click to view 800x535 M0007 茶以外的日誌
今天,限量五千套的 1:38 法拉利模型珍藏版,在香港的 Shell 油站首天換購啊!很快就給換完了,浮雲也藏一套,編號:3609。2007年11月27日

M0007 A blog post other than tea
Today is the first day releasing this 1:38 Limited Edition Ferrari Dual Speed Cars Box Set in Hong Kong's Shell gas stations. There are only 5,000 box sets and all the stocks were redeemed very soon. Cloud was lucky to get a box set with the serial number: 3609. 27 November 2007

V-Power Collector's Garage Resolution: 800 x 535

按下圖片取得800x535解像度 Click to view 800x535 M0008 茶以外的日誌
今天,限量五千套的 1:38 法拉利模型珍藏版,在香港的 Shell 油站首天換購啊!很快就給換完了,浮雲也藏一套,編號:3609。2007年11月27日

M0008 A blog post other than tea
Today is the first day releasing this 1:38 Limited Edition Ferrari Dual Speed Cars Box Set in Hong Kong's Shell gas stations. There are only 5,000 box sets and all the stocks were redeemed very soon. Cloud was lucky to get a box set with the serial number: 3609. 27 November 2007

V-Power Collector's Garage Resolution: 800 x 535

按下圖片取得800x535解像度 Click to view 800x600 M0009 茶以外的日誌
今天,限量五千套的 1:38 法拉利模型珍藏版,在香港的 Shell 油站首天換購啊!很快就給換完了,浮雲也藏一套,編號:3609。2007年11月27日

M0009 A blog post other than tea
Today is the first day releasing this 1:38 Limited Edition Ferrari Dual Speed Cars Box Set in Hong Kong's Shell gas stations. There are only 5,000 box sets and all the stocks were redeemed very soon. Cloud was lucky to get a box set with the serial number: 3609. 27 November 2007

Ferrari 360spider Resolution: 800 x 535

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0574 1990年代薄紙 8582

A0574 Early 1990's 8582 with Thin Wrapping Paper
This was an old photo taken on 1 December 2002. This tea cake was completely brewed by Cloud several years ago.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0575 1990年代薄紙 8582

A0575 Early 1990's 8582 with Thin Wrapping Paper
This was an old photo taken on 1 December 2002. This tea cake was completely brewed by Cloud several years ago.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0576 1990年代薄紙 8582

A0576 Early 1990's 8582 with Thin Wrapping Paper
This was an old photo taken on 1 December 2002. This tea cake was completely brewed by Cloud several years ago.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0577 支飛
每一件茶的一張身份證明書,紀錄了該茶的資訊。圖中的嘜號是 7542_9xx,那就是著名的【88青餅】的支飛。

A0577 Batch Ticket
It is a simple document of every basket of Puerh tea (not every basket has one becuase, normally, only large tea factories will enclose a piece of this paper with each box or basket of Puerh. In the old days, tea vendors in Hong Kong always threw them away because they did not need to tell the customers about the trading codes of the tea cakes.) It records the information of the Puerh. In this photo, it shows the trading code "7542_9xx" which is the batch ticket of the famous Puerh tea, Eighty-eight Raw Tea Cake. (For details of how to read the 4 digits of trading code, you may refer to the hardback edition of the "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea" P.74 to P.77.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0578 支飛
每一件茶的一張身份證明書,紀錄了該茶的資訊。圖中的嘜號是 7542_9xx,那就是著名的【88青餅】的支飛。

A0578 Batch Ticket
It is a simple document of every basket of Puerh tea (not every basket has one becuase, normally, only large tea factories will enclose a piece of this paper with each box or basket of Puerh. In the old days, tea vendors in Hong Kong always threw them away because they did not need to tell the customers about the trading codes of the tea cakes.) It records the information of the Puerh. In this photo, it shows the tradeing code "7542_9xx" which is the batch ticket of the famous Puerh tea, Eighty-eight Raw Tea Cake. (For details of how to read the 4 digits of trading code, you may refer to the hardback edition of the "First Step to Chinese Puerh Tea" P.74 to P.77.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0579 原筒 1990年代初 7542 - 有內票版本

A0579 An original stack of 7542 (with description ticket version) from the early 1990's.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0580 原筒 1990年代初 7542 - 有內票版本

A0580 An original stack of 7542 (with description ticket version) from the early 1990's.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0581 1990年代初 7542 - 有內票版本

A0581 7542 (with description ticket version) from the early 1990's.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0582 1990年代初 7542 - 有內票版本

A0582 7542 (with description ticket version) from the early 1990's.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0583 1990年代初 7542 - 有內票版本

A0583 7542 (with description ticket version) from the early 1990's.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0584 1990年代初 7542 - 有內票版本

A0584 7542 (with description ticket version) from the early 1990's.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0585 外型酷似,但並不是【88青餅】,店家號稱「88大葉青餅」。

A0585 The appearance is very similar to the Eighty-eight Raw Tea Cake, but it is definitely not the one. It was claimed as "88 Broad-leaf Raw Tea Cake" by a tea shop.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0586 外型酷似,但並不是【88青餅】,店家號稱「88大葉青餅」。

A0586 The appearance is very similar to the Eighty-eight Raw Tea Cake, but it is definitely not the one. It was claimed as "88 Broad-leaf Raw Tea Cake" by a tea shop.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0587 外型酷似,但並不是【88青餅】,店家號稱「88大葉青餅」。

A0587 The appearance is very similar to the Eighty-eight Raw Tea Cake, but it is definitely not the one. It was claimed as "88 Broad-leaf Raw Tea Cake" by a tea shop.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0588 1992年無內飛、無內票輕入倉 7542

A0588 1992 Mild Wet Storage 7542 with no trademark ticket and description ticket.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0589 1992年無內飛、無內票輕入倉 7542

A0589 1992 Mild Wet Storage 7542 with no trademark ticket and description ticket.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0590 1992年無內飛、無內票輕入倉 7542 - 網紋紙

A0590 1992 Mild Wet Storage 7542 with no trademark ticket and description ticket wrapped by Cellular Wrapping Paper. (Definition of Cellular Wrapping Paper, please check with the "Glossary of Chinese Puerh Tea [First Edition]" to be published very soon.)

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0591 1992年無內飛、無內票輕入倉 7542 - 網紋紙

A0591 1992 Mild Wet Storage 7542 with no trademark ticket and description ticket wrapped by Cellular Wrapping Paper. (Definition of Cellular Wrapping Paper, please check with the "Glossary of Chinese Puerh Tea [First Edition]" to be published very soon.)

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0592 由不同茶店購買回來的 1990 年代初乾倉 7542

A0592 Both are dry storage 7542 from the early 1990's buying from different tea shops

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0593 由不同茶店購買回來的 1990 年代初乾倉 7542

A0593 Both are dry storage 7542 from the early 1990's buying from different tea shops

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0594 由不同茶店購買回來的 1990 年代初乾倉 7542

A0594 Both are dry storage 7542 from the early 1990's buying from different tea shops

圖 A0561 或之前的所有圖說(包括舊圖區)已回補,請先參考。2007年12月01日

Cloud's Notice
To all, the photo descriptions of A0561 and backward were all added (including those in the photo archives). 01 December 2007.


Cloud's Notice
To all, it was really a hard job to add all the photo descriptions. I did it. Please take a look and Cloud will post more photos and Internet articles later. 05 December 2007.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0595 【89青餅】
一些生產於1990年代前後的 7542,被香港傳統的普洱茶商收購進倉處理,由於這些青餅都是很清晰的 1989 年青餅,所以傳統的香港茶商,有些會稱這些茶餅為「89青」。由於在 1990 年代時,這些 7542 才只是普通的商品,而且以前不會刻意把每年的年份分開,幾個年份的 7542、7532 都可能混在一起,因為以前的時候,只分生餅和熟餅,就各自處理,所以連一些顯然是 1992 年包裝特色的青餅,都在竹殼上寫上「89青」,其實都沒所謂,反正入了倉的 1990 年代初 7542,口味相若。

A0595 Eighty-nine Raw Tea Cake
Around the early 1990's, the Puerh tea cakes acquired by Hong Kong tea merchants were mainly 7542 from the Menghai Tea Factory. Importing these 7542 tea cakes was for the wet storage purpose. Since these batches of tea cakes clearly showed their trading codes 7542_9xx on the batch tickets, tea merchants used to name these wet-stored raw tea cakes as "Eighty-nine Raw Tea Cake", which was a jargon between tea vendors. Because of the low selling prices of raw tea cakes in the early 1990's, tea merchants would not deliberately mark and separate different batches. It was possible that all the 7542 and 7532 from different years of the early 1990's were put together for aging. In the early 1990's, what tea merchants concerned about was the differences between raw tea cakes (which could be not sold in a short period of time) and ripe tea cakes (which could be sold after a few years). Cloud has collected some 1992 raw tea cakes which were also marked as "Eighty-nine Raw Tea Cake". In fact, it does not really matter for appreciation because all the raw tea cakes having been stored wetly shares similar smooth and earthy tastes.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0596 【89青餅】
圖說請參看圖 A0596。

A0596 Eighty-nine Raw Tea Cake
Please see the descriptions of photo A0595.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0597 【89青餅】
圖說請參看圖 A0595。

A0597 Eighty-nine Raw Tea Cake
Please see the descriptions of photo A0595.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0598 【89青餅】
圖說請參看圖 A0595。

A0598 Eighty-nine Raw Tea Cake
Please see the descriptions of photo A0595.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0599 【89青餅】
圖說請參看圖 A0595。

A0599 Eighty-nine Raw Tea Cake
Please see the descriptions of photo A0595.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0600 【89青餅】
圖說請參看圖 A0595。

A0600 Eighty-nine Raw Tea Cake
Please see the descriptions of photo A0595.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0601 【89青餅】
圖說請參看圖 A0595。

A0601 Eighty-nine Raw Tea Cake
Please see the descriptions of photo A0595.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0602 【89青餅】
圖說請參看圖 A0595。

A0602 Eighty-nine Raw Tea Cake
Please see the descriptions of photo A0595.

按下圖片取得640x480解像度 Click to view 640x480 A0603 【89青餅】
圖說請參看圖 A0595。

A0603 Eighty-nine Raw Tea Cake
Please see the descriptions of photo A0595.



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